Wednesday, June 20, 2012

one month down, eternity to go.

Yesterday marked 1 month since our wedding day, by far the best month of my life. I'm sure i'll say that every month though. I love this new crazy life that we have together. Some of my favorites:

Never having to say goodnight and driving all the way home.
Good morning kisses every day, neither of us caring about the others pungent morning breath.
Coming home to my exhausted husband taking a nap and having him hold his arms out to hold me and whispering "i missed you honey" into my ear.
Grocery shopping together, I don't know why but it's my favorite.
Cuddles, all day everyday.
Cradling my head in his lap combing through my hair.
How I can randomly look over and find him looking at me with love in his eyes.
He is my rock, I never feel scared, stressed, worried or anything bad when he holds me.
He has never yelled at me, I can't think of a time. He is the most gentle man I have ever met.
The flirty eyes we give each other across the gym.
The amount of times he says thank you.
Talking about life so far and what is to come.
Hugs from behind and a kiss on the neck while I'm cooking dinner.
Those days when he just needs to be babied.
How me makes me laugh when I am trying to be stubborn and pout.
Learning, I have learned so much about myself.

I love him. I love how incredibly happy we are, and we only fall more in love every single day. And he never fails to let me know that. I can't wait to see what adventures are to come. I know that with him by my side I will have a lifetime of love and happiness, no matter where this crazy life takes us.

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