As a lot of you may know I got married on the 19th! It truly is like they say, the greatest day in your life. I can't believe it's over though, I have thought about this wedding all day everyday for the past 9 months. I still find myself subconsciously getting stressed about it. Last night I went through all my notes on my phone and I had at least 15 different to do lists, and shopping lists and such and I was able to go through and delete them all, it sounds silly but that was such a great feeling.
Today is my first day back to work, and it sucks. I have been with my husband 24/7 for the past 2 weeks and now I have to be away from him 8 hours each day. As for the blog title, I do all of my blogging at work. I work on a computer all day and sometimes it gets really slow, so that's when I squeeze in time for my blogs. And why would I take the time to blog when I can be with my cute husband?!
Well I suppose I should get to the main point of this blog, the wedding! I don't even know where to start, it was just the most incredible day full of love, family and friends. The night before felt like I had fallen asleep and literally woke up 5 minutes later. I did my own make-up and was pretty pleased with the way it turned out. I am completely incapable of doing my own hair so the talented Natalie Warner came and did it for me and she did a fabulous job!
We were sealed in the Draper temple for eternity. I love thinking about that, not only is he my husband when i'm 20, but he will be when i'm 90 and for eternity in the next life. At some point I may have to say goodbye in this life but we have the privilege of knowing that that is not the end. He is forever mine and i'm forever his, and that is the greatest knowledge to have.
The sealing ceremony was absolutely beautiful, and I can never forget the way I felt looking into his eyes listening to the sealer tell us that we were husband and wife. Coming out of the temple was just as i'd imagined it would be. I've been on the other side quite a few times and now it was our turn to walk out together. It was so fun to see all of the people that came to support us.
Next we took pictures. The Draper temple is in the most amazing location, it right at the base of the mountains and looks over the entire Salt Lake valley. It had rained the day before so it had washed out all of the dirt and smog and left us with a crystal clear day. Taking pictures was actually super fun, I was kind of not looking forward to it because it just seemed so meticulous to stand there and pose for hours. But instead it was time spent laughing and goofing off with my husband and our families. My dad played photographer and got a few gems.
And some more serious ones.
The reception was an absolute blast! Lots of yummy food and music. We and our families stood in the receiving line so we had the opportunity to hug and say hi to most of our guests. It was so nice to see everybody and meet lots of people from his side. I said "thank you so much for coming" so many times that Kapena said I was saying it in my sleep that night. But really though, I cannot express how much it means to me that people took time out of their day to come and see and congratulate us.
Kapena's cousins are on an amazing hula team and they were nice enough to come perform at the reception. They did such an incredible job and it was so fun to watch! They have a thing called a "pick-up" where they select people from the audience and they have to go up and dance. Luckily my dad was one of them, I really haven't laughed so hard in quite awhile. He had to do this "funky chicken" dance while all of the girls danced around him. While he was doing this the guy on the drum things chanted "go white boy go white boy go!" Everyone was rolling, it was hilarious!
Next, I had to do my hula for Kapena. As you can imagine I was terrified to go after these beautiful, graceful professionals, but I did it! I didn't forget anything either, so I was thrilled about that. I wore my mother in law's dress, so that was special for me.
The night ended with the basic wedding traditions, dances, cutting of the cake and retrieving the garter. Kapena was so nervous about feeding each other the cake for some reason so he made us practice a few days before. It's a good thing we did because during the practice run he pretty much punched me in the mouth, so the actual time ran smoother.
I can't thank everybody enough for coming and their gracious gifts. We were absolutely astounded at how generous people were. Everyone should expect thank you notes in the mail here soon.
I am the happiest I have ever been, this incredible man is my freaking husband. I love falling asleep to him by my side and waking up to "good morning princess, I love you so much" and a kiss every morning. Seriously, without fail he has something sweet to say to me as I wake up. Cuddling on the couch watching the office and cooking in our cute kitchen. I have to wear rubber gloves when I do dishes because dirty dish water just grosses me out. So one day I was doing the dishes and he walked in and laughed at me and my gloves, gave me a kiss and took off my gloves and started doing the dishes himself. I've got myself a keeper. I fall more in love with him every day and can't wait for the rest of our lives together.
Again, thank you so much to everyone. I can not say it enough times.
Also the professional pictures will be ready in a couple weeks and will for sure post a few.
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